

New Insights Into Physical Findings Associated With Postblepharoplasty Lower Eyelid Retraction.

By Dicembre 19, 2017 Gennaio 24th, 2020 No Comments

Garrett Griffin, MD Babak Azizzadeh, MD Guy G. Massry, MD

Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 34, Issue 7, 1 September 2014, Pages 995–1004

Published: 01 September 2014


Postblepharoplasty lower eyelid retraction (PBLER) has been linked to anterior lamellar shortage, unaddressed eyelid laxity, and middle lamellar scarring. The authors believe there are other, less-appreciated physical findings (orbicularis weakness, negative-vector eyelid, and inferior eyelid/orbit volume deficit) that also influence the development and potentially the management of this complex type of eyelid malposition.


To better understand PBLER, potentially prevent its development, and improve treatment options, the authors determined the incidence of various physical findings present on initial examination of patients referred for PBLER revision.


The medical charts of patients referred for PBLER revision over a 21-month period were reviewed. The presence of anterior lamellar shortage, lower eyelid laxity, and a middle lamellar (internal eyelid) scar was documented. Orbicularis weakness, negative-vector eyelid topography, and volume deficiency of the lower eyelid/inferior orbit also were noted. The incidence of each finding was calculated.


Forty-six patients (35 women, 11 men) were included. All patients had undergone primary transcutaneous surgery, which led to the eyelid retraction. Orbicularis weakness, anterior lamellar shortage, inferior eyelid/orbital volume deficit, negative-vector eyelid topography, and eyelid laxity were common. A middle lamellar scar of significance was found in only 17% of eyelids.


The data suggest that the aforementioned underappreciated findings are common in patients with PBLER. Evaluating these factors when planning primary blepharoplasty may reduce the incidence of PBLER. Awareness of these findings when planning revisional procedures may improve surgical outcomes.

Level of Evidence: 4